Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hike #50 - Aravaipa Trail, Aravaipa Wilderness, AZ

The Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness is 19,410 acres which includes the 11 mile Aravaipa Canyon. In order to control the quantity of people in the canyon and to keep it pristine, the Nature Conservancy protects the area by requiring a permit to hike in the area.  This canyon is very remote near Globe, AZ.  We did not see any other people.  This is a wet hike and we crossed the creek more than 30 times in the 4 hours we were there.  Thanks to, we purchased neoprene socks to keep our feet warm since it was December. This was the best thing we could have done. When we were not crossing the creek, we were walking over, under and around trees, bushes and boulders.  I recommend wearing long sleeves and long pants for protection.
The perennial waters of Aravaipa Creek have carved a scenic canyon through the Sonoran Desert at the northern end of the Galiuro Mountains in southeastern Arizona. Saguaro cactus dot the canyon slopes, and a mixed-broadleaf riparian forest lines the canyon slopes at the creek.
The canyon, 1,000 feet deep in places, is home to desert bighorn sheep, javelinas, coati mundis, ringtail cats and other interesting wildlife. The creek is home to 7 species of native fish, and over 200 species of birds live among the cottonwoods, sycamores, willows, ash and other riparian species in the canyon. Aravaipa Canyon is 11 miles long, and elevations range from 3,000 feet at the eastern trailhead to 2,650 feet at the western trailhead. Nine major side canyons feed into Aravaipa.

Hike #49 - Peralta Trail, Superstion Mountains, Apache Junction, AZ

The Peralta trail to the Freemont Saddle is a popular trail in the Superstition mountains near Gold Canyon, AZ.  The trail is 4.9 miles out and back with an elevation gain of 1380'.  Paul and I hiked this trail on a cold and overcast day near the end of December 2013.  We passed many other hikers. At the top there is a great view of Weaver's Needle.  Vegetation starts out lush and thick at the bottom and thins out near the top. Saguaro cacti are everywhere and there are many wonderful rock formations. For more info and directions see:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

HIke #48 - Mormon Trail, South Mountain Park, Phoenix, AZ

The Mormon trail is a short but somewhat steep 1.25 mile trail that joins with the National trail or Mormon Loop.  The elevation gain is 754'.  Paul and I did this trail the same day with Geronimo which is nearby.  The trail head for Mormon is near 24th St. and Valley View Ave.  There is a small parking lot that fills up fast so many of us had to park along the street in the near by neighborhood. For a longer option you can Hidden Valley Loop trail or Mormon Loop which are easily accessible from this trail.  

Hike #47 - Geronimo Trail, South Mountain Park, Phoenix, AZ

                                                              The Geronimo Trail is a 2.5 mile, moderate hike with an elevation change of 1,000'.  The trail head is actually at the top of the mountain near the Buena Vista trail head/parking lot, and about .25 miles from a memorial park bench.  We started at the bottom, near 20th St. and Dobbins Road.  There is a small dirt parking area for approx. 6 cars. This is adjacent to the Heard Boy Scout Camp which we walked through on the way down.  We took a left onto the Spur trail about half way down instead of a right which would have taken us back the same way.  There are no signs or markers to show the way or that the trail changes.  This trail is popular with mountain bikers although we did not see anyone.  There are great views of downtown Phoenix.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hike #46 - Piestewa Peak Freedom (Circumference) Trail, Phoenix, AZ

November 30, 2013 was a perfect day for a hike with my friends from 24 Hour Fitness, Body Pump Class.  We started the Freedom (Circumference Trail) at 9 a.m.. The first 1/2 mile of this 4 mile loop is a strenuous climb up the first part of the Summit Trail which is the most crowded.  Once we diverted on to the Freedom Trail, there were much less people and the trail flattened out with some occasional gradual climb areas. It was so peaceful, it's hard to believe you are in the middle Arizona's largest metropolitan areas - Phoenix!  The trail is 3.6 miles but we walked there from a home in the area which added at least another mile.  The trail is abundant with Saguaro, ocotillo, prickly pear, cholla, brittle bush etc.  This trail is a great alternative to the overcrowded Summit Trail and I will definitely be doing it again.

Hike #45 - Kiwanis Trail, South Mountain Park, Phoenix, AZ

The Kiwanis Trail was built by the Phoenix Kiwanis Club and is one of the most popular trails at South Mountain Park.  Like most trails in the park, you are surrounded by beautiful Saguaros that are only found in the Sonoran Desert as well as a variety of other cacti.  The trail is one mile each way with an elevation gain of 480'.  Kiwanis Trail intersects Telegraph Pass Trail and National Trail. There are 2 rock wall dams built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930's. We passed several families with young children as it makes for a great adventure for the entire family.

Hike #44 - Holbert Trail, South Mountain Park, Phoenix, AZ

I have really enjoyed getting familiar with the trails in South Mountain Park in Phoenix this year.  The Holbert Trail is a popular trail and easy to get to with plenty of parking.  Round trip, the trail is 4.7 miles and you can easily add another mile if you take the Dobbins Trail at the intersection near the top to the popular scenic overlook.  I had driven to this spot several times in the past.  This particular Sunday was "Quiet Sunday" so no motorized vehicles were allowed. The elevation gain is approx. 1,100' and it took us approx. 3 hours with a long break at the top to enjoy the view.  There are some amazing petroglyphs along this trail.