Monday, September 2, 2013

Hike #36 - Long's Peak, Keyhole Route - Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado


Long's Peak is one of the 54 mountains with summits over 14,000' in Colorado.  It was named after an explorer named Stephen Long who explored the area in the 1820's.  The most popular trail is called the Keyhole route.  It is one of the most difficult fourteeners in Colorado.  The last mile requires some technical climbing and it is recommended to hike during the summer season which is mid July through early September.  One person I spoke to along the hike said it is recommended to hike before August 12th for the best weather conditions.
The best advice for the Long's Peak Keyhole route is to come prepared for all conditions; cold, rain, hail, sleet, snow, lightening and all other imaginable weather conditions. See for current weather conditions.
Paul and I hiked this trail on August 23, 2013 and experienced frigid cold temps and strong wind near the keyhole.  We started the trail at 3:00 a.m. as recommended to avoid afternoon thunderstorms and lightening. We were surprised to see the parking lot at the trail head already full at this hour! The trail was easy to follow, even in the dark and well maintained.  The starting elevation is around 9,400' and the summit is 14,259'.  The total RT distance is approx. 15 miles.  Unfortunately, we had to turn back near the keyhole due to the cold and wind since we did not have proper clothing and didn't feel safe to continue.

Sunrise - We had already been hiking 3+ hours

At the "Y" - Trail to Chasm Lake or to Boulder Field

Beautiful forest trail up to treeline
Llama's are used by the park service to carry the waste from the "privy".

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