Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hike #8 - Secret Falls Trail, Kauai, HI

A special treat for Paul and I, our week in Hawaii (March 3-11, 2013) was spent kayaking the Wailua River followed by a one mile easy hike to Secret or Sacred Falls.  We chose to rent our own kayak and not have a guide which worked out perfectly since it was very easy to navigate the river and trail.  The river is very peaceful and relaxing and lined with the most beautiful tropical scenery on earth!  We rowed approx. 45 mins. or 2 miles to the trail head where we parked the kayak and changed to our hiking boots (although water shoes would have been better). The trail was easy and fairly level although there were giant tree roots in places to climb over that were fascinating.  The sound of the river near by with the smell of the trees/plants was intoxicating!  We were rewarded by a refreshing dip in the pool beneath the 100' Secret Fall (the Hawaiian name is Uluwehi.) On the way back we stopped at the Fern Grotto.

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