Friday, June 7, 2013

Hike #22 - Teta Kawi Mountain, San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico

Paul and I went to San Carlos in Sonora Mexico on Memorial Day weekend 2013 to scuba dive.  We discovered a trail that went up the beautiful volcanic mountain, Teta Kawi which means  "Goat teats".  The trail was steep, rocky and full of loose dirt.  There were few switch backs that would have made it a more safe and enjoyable for visitors and locals to see the stunning views from the top.  The vegetation was mostly desert trees, cactus and saguaro.  After an hour of climbing we were near the top which is 200 meters above sea level.  It was getting more and more dangerous and steep and we needed ropes etc. to safely climb the rest of the way.  We stopped to take in the view of the Sea of Cortez and San Carlos then headed back down.

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