Monday, August 5, 2013

Hike #33 - The Subway, Zion National Park, UT

The Subway

Paul and I learned about The Subway hike while visiting Zion National Park in 2012.  After researching this semi-technical hike that goes into a slot canyon, we decided to get additional training in canyoneering and rappelling to be better prepared and safe. We acquired a permit several weeks in advance. There are two routes to reach the Subway.  One starts at the Left Fork Trailhead, 8.1 miles above Virgin, hiking a steep descent into the canyon and then 4 1/2 miles upstream boulder hopping. We hiked from the top starting at Wildcat Trailhead, on the Kolob Reservoir Road about 15.3 miles above the town of Virgin.  We reserved a shuttle that dropped us off at the top (Wildcat) and we left our car at the bottom (West Fork).  To complete the hike you wade/swim/scramble/climb/rappel down the Left Fork of North Creek.  The water was cold in July but not cold enough that I needed a wet suit.  We were happy to have rented helmets, harness, rope, and belay devices and to have practiced using these items a few times prior to doing this hike.  There were good anchors set at each place requiring ropes.  The hike took a full 8 hours and 15 mins and we took few breaks.  The last 4 1/2 miles of scrambling over boulders seemed like it would never end and used up a lot of energy. Someone with good upper body strength could do this hike with only ropes but I felt much safer and more comfortable rappelling.  The drops were from approx. 8' to 20'.  As with any slot canyon, the weather is a big factor so that you do not encounter flash floods.

Steep descent into canyon.
The first drop. Awkward angle.

The final rappel approx. 20'

1 comment:

  1. This is a bucket list item for some hikers. On a perfect day it's gorgeous 'top to bottom'(permit required). On a day with thunder showers a flash flood can kill you in this slot canyon. Over-prepare, over-plan & over-research this area.
