Monday, September 2, 2013

Hike #40 - Long Canyon, Sedona, AZ

We hiked this trail the end of August, the day after a downpour in Sedona.   The forest was damp with the fragrant scent of pine everywhere. The ground was soft as we walked on a carpet of leaves and pine needles. The low hanging clouds hugged Maroon Mountain to our right and we couldn't stop taking photos every few steps. We followed the old jeep road for the first mile.  In the distance we could hear a flute.  As we drew closer, the gentleman playing the flute called to us from a rock above the trail and invited us up to see the view and feel the cool breeze.  We were glad we accepted his invitation as he was quite knowledgeable about the area. Another forest volunteer recommended a side hike from there to a slick rock area where we found several cave like areas that looked like Indian ruins. The Long Canyon trail is approx. 7 miles RT with an elevation gain of 828'.






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